Monday, December 14, 2015

Christmassy Sunday

I had the pleasure of teaching the Relief Society lesson (the women's meeting) in church today. I love teaching the December lesson on Christmas!  We focused on the song "Joy to the World".  The word "Joy" was broken into three bits: The "J" is for Jesus - the reason for the season. The "O" is for others. Helping others is one of the best ways to feel the Christmas spirit. And the "Y" is for yourself.  In the hustle and bustle of this festive time of year, it's easy to neglect taking a moment to yourself to think about Christ, about his birth, about the peace that comes from the Prince of Peace.

This is the perfect combination of me and my friend, who helped with the table display.  I provided the wrinkled tablecloth, she provided all of lovely festive Joy bits...well I also brought that box in the middle with the reindeer antlers. Lately me and antlers...

Extended Family Christmas party!

Lots of good food!

Who doesn't love a candy cane elf addict?!

Not pictured, but amazing, was the family movie/picture slideshow.
27 points to my cousin for putting that gem together, and for giving all of us copies!!!

My Aunts and my Grandpa.
Not pictured was my rogue Ant who was at the party, but up to 
no good with Annie Joy somewhere. 

*** This post is for Sunday, December 12th, 2015***

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