Thursday, July 7, 2016

The Plague/ Wild Life Refuge

 My dear twin and her family just moved into their dream home, after years of dreaming, sacrificing, saving, planning and praying. Dreams do come true. Sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel is actually light, and not an oncoming train. I saw pictures of the place, when it was still in the fantasy phase, but to see it in person?! It is so lovely and so entirely perfect for them, that literal tears sprang to my eyes during her guided tour.  My twin is a nature loving, animal friendly, easy going cowgirl, no fuss, helpful, cheerful, Christian woman, who now has a homestead to match.  Couldn't be happier for her, and I'm so glad I was there to witness the plague of the frogs because I simply might not have believed her had I not been there to see it for myself.

As night fell, frogs made their presence known. Croaking, out on the deck,
 and swimming in their pool.

The plan was to catch the frogs and then drive them to a better home somewhere.
This was what 15 frogs looked like.

And then there were 100+. They just kept coming.
It felt very Old Testament-ish. 

Even more fun is that of the two frog varieties, one of them stings to the touch, so the catchers wore thick plastic gloves. This is my 15 year old niece, kicking frog but and taking names.

Family! How lucky to spend these last few days with the families of my twin, brother and parents.

When we drove into the Old Pueblo (Tucson) they had just had a massive monsoon rain storm (which is totally common for the area this time of year.) What really brought the memories back though was the lack of a drainage system in the city.  Many streets were flooded, and police were helping move traffic along by sending cars on random paths. It took us about an hour to go the 10 miles from the freeway to their home. Our 6 kids and dog really enjoyed that last hour of quality time together:~)

1 comment:

  1. Man what a beautiful tribute!! I have to get on my blog and talk about the most amazing house warming gift that I received...just wait your turn is coming for the kind words.. It was such a fantastic week and how can we turn you into permanent neighbors?! Last night while Benjamin, Anna and I were taking a dip there was a frog no lie as big as a dessert plate swimming along, I swear it was the size of a small dog. Unfortunately by the time we secured the bucket and skimmed him out he had taken a giant leap to freedom.
