Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Pharmacy Battle

Today I needed to fill two prescriptions.  I drove to the closest Walgreens to drop them off. Walgreens has a drive through, which I love, especially now that I am toting and infant around and it's very convenient when the weather is lame, like it was today with the snow. When I dropped them off, I asked if they were stocked with those prescriptions.  They checked and told me they were and it would be ready in about an hour. Great. When I went to pick up the prescriptions, I was told that they #1 didn't even have one of the prescriptions after all, and #2 the prescription that they did have, they actually only had 5 of the 30 pills needed... I just needed to come back in a few days and they were "pretty sure" that they would have more in by then. Basically: terrible customer service, stir in some carelessness, add a dash of time wasting, and heaping cup of what the heck, and that describes my experience with Walgreens.

Compare that with my local grocery store pharmacy, which I went to right after the incident of the inept Walgreens.  I asked if they had the prescribed pills on hand. She said they did.  It took five minutes to prepare.  I purchased it right away. Certainly, I would rather have competent service any day over a drive through. Three Cheers for Dicks Market. Two thumbs down for Walgreens.

I would have held two thumbs up, but I needed one to help hold my camera.

Babies sleep about 20 hours a day, but aren't ever able to sleep when you're making dinner.

Cricket is darling and full of love and kindness for all.  I would hope that everyone can know the happiness that a kind, loving dog can bring.

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