Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Miracle of Flight

On Friday, my sister in law provided one of many tender mercies for this week. After appropriately naming this week my "Week from H***" she hopped on the phone with my womb-mate, and decided that she could either send me flowers, or send me my twin.  I'm so grateful that she opted for sending an actual person!  Hanging out with my twin was the perfect medicine for the weekend. 10,000 points for the John and Robin Holman team.  I can't thank them enough (and I am certainly embarrassing them right now, but since we don't live in the same state, what are they gonna do about it?!) I'm also grateful to my brother in law who, with about two hours notice, let his wife take-off for the weekend. If wishes are fishes, the Ryan Smiths will see family in AZ for the holidays, we will hug every member, pigout together and listen to stories and ridiculous jokes, but at this point, I'm in personal inventory mode, and I have been blessed more than I deserve. My Family Rocks!!!!

We had a little more heads up about Lesley's visit then we did with Ryan's parents, so Les got a sign.  But I promise that the next visit from Grandma Linda and Grandpa Ed will result in a crazy, amazing sign. I'm pleased Simon drew his signature high heeled dog.

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