Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Chocolate Pudding Bliss

On the second Tuesday evening of every month my neighborhood holds a gourmet competition potluck group, a.k.a. Iron Chef Bountiful.  The hostess gets to pick the theme, which is usually one ingredient but tonight our creations revolved around the topic of "lasagna."  I made a layered chocolate dish, similar to "whoopi in a pan," but with some chocolate "noodles," which were melted chocolate that had been cooled into sheets. Oooh-da-lolly!  Tasty.  Part of my lasagna was a chocolate pudding from scratch, using dark chocolate that was heavenly.  My oldest son was hanging out in the kitchen and decided to document the pudding bit. Incidentally, I won the silver trophy tonight, and I'm sure it had something to do with the dark chocolate... and the 2 cups of love that I put into every dish that I make; the most essential ingredient when cooking anything for family, friends, or strangers.

The ingredients. Mmmm.

This is a mixture of the cocoa, corn starch, heavy cream, egg yolks, and salt.

I'm mixing the milk, sugar, and egg concoction over medium high heat. Preston is standing on a chair to get this picture, trying to get me and the ingredients in the same shot.

Adding the vanilla.

There it is.

Now to dump in the dark chocolate that I have chopped into bits.

Mixing it in. This tastes incredible, truly.

Owen kicked a board in half today at karate class!!!

Preston had his AP Geography test today.  He thinks he did well, but won't find out the results for a few months.

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