Friday, January 31, 2014

Happy Chinese New Year!

With my youngest two children in the Chinese immersion program, there is no way that we would miss celebrating the Chinese New Year.  To celebrate, Owen wore red with loads of his classmates, and Annie wore this darling pink outfit that Ryan bought her a few years ago in Chinatown in San Francisco.  I was lucky enough to help out in Owen's classroom during his party, and Owen even got to reenact karate kid and break a board with his bare hand.  He was very pleased with himself.  My older two went on a campout tonight (in the snow!!!!)  Many are cold, but few are frozen. I  hope they are warm tonight, and that they remember to say their goodnight prayers.  Spoken like a real mom!

Happy Chinese New Year! We love egg rolls and sweet and sour pork and sesame balls!

Owen went shopping with me for the campout this evening. I LOVE spending lots of money on campouts, because our family LOVES to camp!!!

This is such a great group of boys, they will have a wonderful time. A million points to the leaders (and their spouses) for volunteering their time to help out my scouts.

Owen actually swam by himself today, like a champion.  It was awesome.

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