Sunday, December 9, 2012


Being a Smith family goldfish means that you are at your last stop on Earth before heading to the fish bowl in the sky.  We have actually had several goldfish, and not a one has lived longer than 2 weeks.  We have already had our goldfish for three days, and I would hate not to have an official record of their  family status before they go belly up, so here it is.  Owen and his babysitter (with our prior approval) picked them out last Friday while walking to his preschool. Although he wanted both fish to be named "Chippy" we convinced him to go with "Chippy" for the red fish and "Sunshine" for the yellow fish.  They bring magic and joy to our mealtimes as their bowl is in the kitchen.  They are our first pets in Edinburgh and potentially our last pets here. What an honor for all involved!

Sunshine and Chippy, BFF's.

I know that they were mentioned in a previous post, but since there weren't any pictures, that didn't really count.

1 comment:

  1. I am a terrible fish owner, apparently you have to change the water often...who knew?!
