Monday, March 28, 2011

The Sabbath

Yesterday was pleasantly busy. Sunday morning my family sang "Love is Spoken Here" at a sacrament meeting held at a retirement home. After the meeting, Owen went to every attendee and gave them a little hug. We came home and had lunch (for those littles who weren't fasting) and I had time to work on Personal Progress for my calling in Young Women's. Then we headed off to church where Preston gave a talk in primary and Annie gave the scripture. After the services we dashed home so that I could prepare dinner for the guests we were having over. They arrived shortly, we chatted and ate; a delicious dinner of teriyaki haystacks, followed by brownies and ice cream.

Minutes after our visitors left, I walked by the long mirror in our hallway. Usually this dress looked better on me... I turned to check out my profile. It almost looked like I had undergone a double mastectomy... how strange. I grabbed a breast to heave it up to where it normally sat in this dress, and then it occurred to me. I had performed in at old folks center, attended three hours of church, and had hosted a dinner party, all while NOT wearing a bra.


  1. freedooommm, freedooommm, freedooommm

  2. Hilarious! I was just in the temple a couple of weeks ago and sat for a very long time wondering if one of the older ladies in there was not wearing a bra. I could see no evidence of one and kept checking to see if I was possibly wrong. Maybe she had a similar day to yours! I would love to find out someday that someone, somewhere had a conversation about how they could swear that Lindsey wasn't wearing a bra at church today.

  3. OMG! OMG! OMG!!! i cant help but laugh hysterically!!!! i am so SORRY!!!! i am sure it made for good POST dinner conversation in the car driving home. :D
