Thursday, March 23, 2017

Birthday Alert: 39 and counting!

I heard someone say that when it comes to birthdays, people need to talk about them using terms like "levels', like how you would talk about getting to the next level of a video game.  Compare: I just turned 39 years old!.... to ..... I just made it to level 39!  Really, there's a clear winner here. Level 39 it is. Even luckier is that I have a BFF who began the game on the same day, and we got to celebrate level 39 together, with our siblings and parents and spouses, the way God and nature intended. I love visiting Tucson. 10 points to Ryan for having a conference in the Old Pueblo on my birthday. He worked a little bit, and I got to play hard.

These are our high school graduation pictures. Why on earth didn't I wear something so classy?! A black V-neck. Lovely Lesley.

Ryan's conference was at the Star Pass Marriott, South West part of Tucson. 
This was the view from our room. I love Tucson, and Tucson is March is simply magical.

Birthday Breakfast at Millie's Pancake House.

My fabulous Mom got me several pre-school supplies to help me prep for my latest and greatest business venture: Little Piggies Preschool. I just love the way my mom writes my name.

We went swimming at the hotel.

This sign cracks me up. I once helped a woman get dressed a few days after she had been bitten by a rattlesnake. It was not pretty.

We felt compelled to hold hands during our birthday song. 
Sometimes life is great and it's hard to come up with a wish.

My fabulous sister even drove down to celebrate the day with us.  
I vote we all look alike.

We made that chocolate chili torte I did for a demo a few weeks ago.
I love baking with my sister!

Saturday, March 18, 2017

1 comment:

  1. What a fun birthday weekend! I have to say now that you do real live cooking demo's it makes our pretend cooking demo's to the kids feel a little weird... :) Just think we will be at level 40 in less than a year!!
