Thursday, October 6, 2016

Sydney or Bust!

Ryan has been asked to be the keynote speaker at conference in Sydney for a few years now. He decided to play hardball this year, and told them that he would come only if they brought his hot smoking wife out with him too (I can't be sure if those are the exact words he used, but I"m sure it was something to that effect.) They agreed, and I'm sitting in our airbnb rental, so it worked. 

There we are! At the SLC airport. We flew from Salt Lake to LA, and then from LA straight into Sydney.  The last leg was 16 hours. SIXTEEN HOURS.

How do you know your husband travels too much? He becomes a "Gold Star Delta Club Member."
That means that whilst waiting to board/during layovers, we get to hang out in a special VIP room with loads of delicious buffett food, free drinks, comfortable seats, and lovely bathrooms. We were curious what the bathrooms looked like (even thigh neither of us had to go.) I took this pic to show Ryan. I don't think it looks much like an airport bathroom.

Fast forward 16 hours. We're about to land, and that's Australia that I'm looking at.

WE did successfully land, and pass through customs.
The signs prove it.

***This post is for Tuesday, October 4th, and Thursday October 6th, 2016. Due to the time zone difference, we didn't even get a Wednesday. But don't feel bad for us. It looks like on our return trip we will get two Fridays. And I think we would all prefer two Fridays over a Wednesday anyway.***

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