Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Swim Party

My Aunt Jeannette was so awesome to invite all of her  kids and nieces/their children over for a swim party at their community swimming pool.  We ate, chatted, laughed, shared, and most importantly: I got to snuggle on the new babies in the family.  I love my cousins! My aunts! And all those darling little kids! I'm not a fan of hanging out in a swim suit, I am a very big fan of hanging out with my relations.

Calzone and Anners.

Aunt Jeannette, holding Rex and Annie Joy.

I'm holding baby Archer (mercy, he's darling!) I think the best poolside invention ever is pool swim shorts! I don't think I will ever be caught in just a regular swim suit ever again.

Annie embracing the moment.

Owen: happy and done swimming.

Simon is getting ready for an olympic dive.

My cousins: Courtney, Cole, and Becca (Nate's wife.)

We had our neighborhood cooking potluck tonight, sesame as the theme. I made sesame balls and won the bronze trophy.  It was a tasty night.

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