Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Rocket Man

Today was the day that the 6th grade launches rockets. Calvin's flew so fast and high that we totally lost sight of it... and probably won't ever see it again. Bummer. Regardless, good times were indeed had by all.  The sun was shining, it was relatively warm, and we didn't have any wind to throw the rockets off course. Made me think of Elton John's "Rocketman."

Calvin and his bright orange rocket, which he painted himself.

Calvin and some friends.

Calvin setting up the rocket on the launch pad.

Owen had his taekwondo belt test today. I think he is headed for his orange belt.

We finally had space enough to shift all of our kitchen stuff to the kitchen and dining area.  We oredered rugs almost 2 months ago and put them down today. It was exhilarating!

Front entry way rug and bench.

Hanging out in the finally decent living room.

Our Conversion pit.  It was a total bummer: we bought an orange circle rug and finally opened it today and the color is like a dark rust... it's entirely terrible for area. Boo-hisss.

1 comment:

  1. It looks so good! can't wait to see the kitchen in its full glory!
