I was nervous about today. We had a practice exam in the kitchen, where we were supposed to have a killer time plan ( a detailed outline of when to do what to get the dish out on time.) We were also required to have our dish plated up and ready to go within a very short window of time. Presentation mattered. No talking allowed in the kitchen. All in all it went very well. First of all, we had quite a bit of time to get our dish ready. Second of all, I prayed for success and really did feel the peace that only God can send when you are trying your best. Third, I reviewed the list of what needed to be done several times, so I was prepared. Fourth, I have some very kind, friendly class mates that really make attending school a pleasure. And lastly, I was meant to be a chef. I absolutely love cooking. I love wearing my uniform. I love the different colored cutting boards. I love preparing delicious, occasionally nutritious food for people. I love sifting flour and weighing butter. I was born to be a chef, the same way I was born to be a smokin' hot wife, and a mom, and a twin. I am grateful today went so well, and can't believe that I have only 3 weeks of school left.
My practice exam dish: Marinated Venison with Root Mash and Green Beans.
This afternoon's dem was a wine tasting. Should I stay or should I go?
As many of you know I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We don't drink alcohol. I decided to stay just to increase my knowledge of something that I know so very little about, but I didn't taste a drop of the crazy expensive bottles holding fancy grape juice. They dealt it, and I just smelt it. I know more now about wine than I did 8 hours ago. Knowledge is power.
You are awesome! Living the dream lady living the dream.